I'm an Earthling

My name is Timothy Alexis Vass

I create AI applications that aim to contribute positively to humanity. Please take a moment to explore my AI projects and witness the potential of artificial intelligence in action.

As a web developer since 2009, I craft user-friendly and clean web applications. Feel free to dive into the world of web apps and see some of the solutions I've built.

Health coaching is one of my endeavors, where I aim to elevate you on your unique paths to well-being.

Public speaking is an opportunity for me to share knowledge and insights on the topics of health, permaculture, and sustainable living.

Writing is also something I like, and I've had the pleasure of authoring a book called Life's Reminders - which is also becoming available as a Video series.
Currently, I'm working on my second book, "Permaculture Paradise: The path to prosperity" which explores sustainable living in opulence and harmony with nature.

I am excited to invite you on this journey as I continue to explore the realms of AI, development, coaching, speaking, writing, and permaculture.

Let's make a positive impact Together